There are positive reactions and a long-continuing motivation for a brand after an incentive trip which turns into a real experience. We transport pleasure, recreation, and adventure: emotional messages that reach and mobilize the target groups.
Tailored to your corporate marketing, we develop communication activities that will surprise and inspire you - before, during and after the trip. Incentives for employees and business partners are the best instruments for sales promotion. The most important asset of a company are motivated employees and satisfied customers.
Incentive «Sales Force»
Business as unusual: incentive trips move here between fun and function, to assess the competitive positioning and to make recordings for market performance. Themed to the target audience, specifically tailored competitions are multi sensitive and company and/or product-related. They exert emotional and physical stimuli and trigger an activation process that increases the desire for the product.
Incentive «Action»
The more virtualized life we have, the more we desire days in our lives, which are full of authentic adventures that can only be experienced by group dynamics at events. Escape from everyday life and courageously embark on unknown paths that could not be experienced at any other travel. Unique experiences are then associated with brand identification.
Incentive «Leadership»
In the future leadership will not just be the infallible manager at the head of the organization, but rather the creative designer in the middle of the company. This concept for all managers of the present prepares an inspiring way for future strategies.
Incentive «Global View»
Global change opens up insights into markets in transition; nations and individuals are constantly in motion. Aware of the needs incentive travelers of tomorrow may have, we will find new destinations for you, fascinating places where man discovers himself and your brand anew. The actual destination is not a distant land, but always your company's message.
We would like to create an incentive concept for you that appeals especially to your target audience. You should get to know us! Please contact us, we look forward to meeting you!